Webinar on FarmaciaVirtuale 25/06/2020
Presentation of PharmaQUI On Thursday 25th June 2020 at 2.30 p.m., there will be a webinar presentation of PharmaQui, an application that puts customers in contact with their reference pharmacy. ToVirtual Phone
Everyone in Smart Working and calls to the office landline? A major project in recent times has been the activation of “VIRTUAL PHONE” licenses. With this tool, we can receiveUpdating of the Fulcri “Coronavirus” Privacy Tool
The tool has been updated to the latest provisions of the Data Protection Authority on the state of epidemiological emergency of Covid-19. The return to production activities required companies toCovid19 Privacy Check-up
We recently released an important “Fulcri Privacy” update, our self-assessment software to give concrete support to the Pharmacy in managing document compliance with respect to the legislative requirements required byDispenser
Nuovo dispenser dell’acqua: È più ergonomica, poiché più alta e dunque rende più agevole il riempimento delle borracce Garantisce un’erogazione più veloce del flusso di acqua Fornisce acqua anche gasataFulcri speaks English
Fulcri will participate for the first time in the “Pharmacy Show” on 6 and 7 October 2019 at the NEC Birmingham, where thousands of pharmacists will meet to discover theSmart Yellow Stand-Up
One of our milestones is the weekly sharing of the projects that each of us are managing. The appointment is called the “Yellow Stand-Up meeting”. Usually, we meet in a#IStayatHome
Our new offices are “household”. This is the office that was crowded and buzzing just a few days ago. Today the activities are always running, but they take place in